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All characteristics and the customer's

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:50 am
by SojibbMOndall
It is used more and more frequently in this context. Click here to receive marketing and enable this content Looking to expand your market research skills? Visit our seminars! Do you want customer satisfaction analysis? do it yourself? in our courses. Operating as a market researcher, you will learn all the necessary professional skills to enable you to conduct customer satisfaction analysis. Information can be found here! Calculation of Customer Satisfaction Index Customer satisfaction is recorded using various criteria in a questionnaire, each related to the importance and satisfaction of a product or service.

Using appropriate market research methods, analyze customer Philippines WhatsApp Number List requirements and expectations for a product or company. Before measuring actual customer satisfaction (actual completion), the company must define the target completion of the service. Target attainment represents the ideal satisfaction customers expect with a product or service, in contrast to actual attainment, which represents actual satisfaction. In the Customer Satisfaction Index.


Satisfaction with a service is related to the importance of the service from the customer's point of view. For this, a relationship between importance and satisfaction must be formed for each individual criterion. Satisfaction values ​​are calculated by multiplying the individual characteristics by their importance. In order to subsequently calculate the overall index, personal satisfaction values ​​must be added. Therefore, the index is between and . The greater the value, the more the service product exceeds the customer's expectations. Customer Satisfaction Index Formula Deriving Recommendations for Action from Customer Satisfaction Index The basis for deriving recommendations for action is actual completion and importance of needs or target completion.