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Minimal amounts of cancer cells left behind

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 9:24 am
by ahsowrov408
But even if these are not found, the cancer can still return. That is why the researchers are now going to use more sophisticated techniques to detect minimal amounts of cancer cells left behind. Cancer cells spread through the body in two ways through the tissue fluid lymph and through the blood.

The lymph in the tissues is filtered in the lymph nodes. The lymph eventually returns to the blood via a network of small lymph vessels, with various lymph nodes as intermediate stations. When mobile number list tumor cells hitch a ride on the lymph fluid, they initially end up in the lymph nodes.


Surgical removal of colon cancer always involves the removal of some lymph nodes in the surrounding area. If the pathologist finds tumor cells there, the disease is in an advanced stage. For some time now, a new technique has been used in the LUMC for the examination of the lymph nodes. A dye is injected into the tumor. The lymph nodes that are stained within minutes are also the first intermediate stations for the tumor cells.